August 1, 2020
As Idaho and other states have begun to ease restraints on gatherings and businesses, some areas like Panhandle Health District for Kootenai County have stepped up with mandates attempting to stop the spread of this virus. Now is certainly the time to read prophetic events shared in the books of Daniel, Revelation and reading books such as The Great Controversy to learn or refresh on events foretold of what we see happening in our world today. Search the scriptures and know that God will be by the side of every individual who diligently seeks Him and lives out all the spiritual knowledge they know. He will give more knowledge as one earnestly seeks to know and be ready for Jesus soon return. Pray for His help in understanding the prophecies and their fulfillment as we are privileged to living in these very times.
May 1, 2020
As the state of Idaho and other states attempt to take steps to reopen in tentative phases, it reminds us that this world is seeing events unfold like never before. Perhaps this is a warning to all who have a seed of faith to search the scriptures to know the times we are currently living during. In the Bible books of Daniel and Revelation we read a description of troubleous times such has never been on earth and such will never be once the earth is cleansed with fire. The times have been called Jacob's time of trouble and the little time of trouble. We know these times are coming, so when they happen, we should not be shaken, but draw even closer to Jesus as our Saviour lest we fall away from His caring hand. The pen of inspiration has written that some will be put into prison and some will be brought before leaders as a faithful testimony of keeping God's Word, and yet others will be strengthened and called to be martyrs for Christ as a witness that even this physical life is not to be held back, but given up for complete faithfulness in keeping God's Word fully. Pray for one another, keep hold of the One whose arm is reaching for every active believers to grasp while his other hand keeps hold of heaven. Make sure you are active in obedience to His Word. For with His arm, He will take His faithful followers securely home!
March 21, 2020
"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5b
We live in quite a time in history when sickness or exposure to a strong virus is spreading quickly, store supply shelves are close to empty, people are buying without regard to the needs of others. Without a doubt, we are living in troubled times! Scriptures like Hebrews 13:5 (quoted above) or "...lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:20b should give us courage in facing the challenges right in front of us. Jesus is a very present help in trouble. He has promised that if we repent and turn from our sin, He will cleanse us and save us. As He cleanses us and we continue to surrender to Him, He will reveal to us areas in our character we need to permit Him to change to His perfect character. We are seeing evidence of characters revealed in the actions of each individual. Some are being kind and thoughtful in sharing some item they had need for to someone who they believed needed it more so. Others are taking items right out of another's hands in selfishness. Always trust that God is in control in spite of what our eyes see. Avoid sin and draw close to Him. He we take us securely home!