
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study Wednesday 6:30pm -- We are continuing studying Genesis.  All are invited to join in together.

Bible Study - Monthly Bible study on the first Tuesday of each month at 11:00 am in the Athol Seventh-day Adventist Church Classroom Building.  All are invited to bring their Bible and join together.

Audio recordings of the recent Sermons are found at the link.

Children's Divisions - ages ranging from 4-16 meet each week for Bible study.  Younger children encouraged to join the weekly lesson with a parent(s).

Children's Education - If you are desiring your child(-ren) or grandchild(-ren) to receive a solid Christian education, consider Pend Oreille Valley Adventist School. Call 208.437.2638 to get more information. 

Vacation Bible School 2024 - Dare to Be      Concluded.  We were blessed to share Jesus and His love with the children and parent(s).


Link to our sister church, Hayden Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church:

View a recent Understanding Prophecy series, click http://www.attendhope/hayden.  Select the Streaming Live button and you will be directed to the series on YouTube.

Weekly Lesson Memory Text